Apie įmonę

The company PANEVĖŽIO FONAS was founded in 1992. Sales are made in Lithuania, Latvia, Russia. Total turnover of the company in 2004 was 1,500,000 USD. 32 employees work in the enterprise. In 2005 the main activity of FONAS was following:
Production of payphone boxes (houses) (in order of Lithuanian Telecom);

Management of the company FONAS consist of:
Managing Director;
Production Director.

Main activities foreseen in the future:
Trade of telecommunication facilities;
Production of payphone boxes;
Production of phone units for deaf people;
Production of Cellular Call Box ;

You may find us in city Panevėžys in Lithuania,Europe. Our town is the fifth biggest city in Lithuania with the population of over 133617  residents.It covers an area of 50 square kilometres.

Panevėžys is industrial city. More than half of the production (colour pictures tubes for TV, linen, glass, ceramics) is sold on foreign market.